Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Put expression in your eyes

React, respond, react all day long, and into the night, too. Click that, swipe here, peck and type and tell. It's no wonder all I want to do is push a needle and thread in and out of canvas. Those rote motions will make a picture, whereas my scroller finger scrolling daylong and thumb swiping "after hours" won't. It just won't.

Is a balanced diet possible? Maybe I need a restrictive diet.

Plant planting season can't come soon enough.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

I never wanna live without you babe

I don't know if I've ever thrown back or TBT-ed here but I don't want to take the time to go back and look because I gotta get down to the more immediate past: when I was hanging on a wooden structure over Tampa Bay with a mouth full of tart and creamy Key Lime pie and watching the lights on the water and hearing this.

It all just...belonged together.