Sunday, November 29, 2020

We thought for once we knew what really was important

I was dipping into the internet vacuum, emotions sucked up by others' dusty stories. 

Since I don’t really live there any more, when I'm sucked in, it really, um, sucks. 

I’d rather live in a dark November of another time, when I was busily preparing for one creative thing or another, planning travel, planning shopping. Going out or making strategies for when I am out. Or immersed in school, people.

Or walking shimmering Loop sidewalks in the early evening with a list in mind. Most of those walks were the function of moving through that list, completing that list, a blur of dashes and things to buy inscribed on a work post-it. Detergent, replacement earrings (again), and the beginnings of gifts, since it's early December or late November. 

The walks I remember are when I was--let myself be spontaneously sidetracked. Dip into this hotel lobby, lean way back and take in the Christmas Tree, where ever it was before Millennium Park existed, or --yes! the Puppet Bike

Whether I took it in or not, there was life all around. 

Today, where I walked, I looked at dead trees and dead leaves. Only the water moving, and a deer casually chawing, but always alert.

This doesn't have much to do with this song, other than I remember it was November dark and life was moving a lot when it was out.

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