Sunday, April 23, 2023

Well, I don't remember all I know

This debuted on the Hot 100 exactly 41 years ago. How is that even possi It's a fact. Let's leave it at that.

Having never put the line break in the right place in the lyrics, I always thought Martha was singing "Well, I don't remember all I know...but it makes me feel good now." 

It's a fact. You're the boat against the current of your memory, borne back ceaselessly (this can't be the first instance that I've quoted TGG; I don't care). Or, your memory is the boat, you're the current, and-- Muh, this metaphor.

The fact is that you've got to be a bit trapped between the walls of something to push out and make something. Even when the walls are familar and limn your comfort and safetey that you don't need any more.

The first poke of your nose outside of them can even be a rehash. Hell, Russell Mulcahy even recycled a table flip from this track's video in "Hungry Like the Wolf."

Friday, February 03, 2023

I'm on the line, one open mind

How did I not know that number XX on the list of my All-Time Favorite Songs (Not Just the Ones By Tears for Fears) was released on my birthday? Here is a system of touch!

Speaking of that lyric, I love that Roland and the actor in the video are so genuinely awkward. They are like two teens in a John Hughes movie. 

I've been longing to write, and didn't know it was going to be about this since I decided to prattle on about whatever Sirius New Wave threw at me upon turning it on this evening. And, lo, there this was. Whether true synchronicity, or Jukebox Fate, or the luck of the dial (programming), I'm all in on this. 

Except what is there to say? Only, cryptically, that this represents, as it felt like in '85 when released, being in the middle of a change that now feels like it's finally gonna come. This track's deep-throated drums and liberal application of phasers feel like the advent of something. Not that Advent that is the rehash of every year, and that asks you to rebelieve the same story each time. No, something actually different and new. What is it? I'll never find out til I'm head over...