This debuted on the Hot 100 exactly 41 years ago. How is that even possi It's a fact. Let's leave it at that.
Having never put the line break in the right place in the lyrics, I always thought Martha was singing "Well, I don't remember all I know...but it makes me feel good now."
It's a fact. You're the boat against the current of your memory, borne back ceaselessly (this can't be the first instance that I've quoted TGG; I don't care). Or, your memory is the boat, you're the current, and-- Muh, this metaphor.
The fact is that you've got to be a bit trapped between the walls of something to push out and make something. Even when the walls are familar and limn your comfort and safetey that you don't need any more.
The first poke of your nose outside of them can even be a rehash. Hell, Russell Mulcahy even recycled a table flip from this track's video in "Hungry Like the Wolf."
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