Saturday, February 13, 2021

To stop the truth from hurting you

This one hypnotized me in the fall of 85. 

I have this exact 12-inch, and based on when I bought it, where I bought it (most assuredly Record Bar in Turfland Mall), and where it’s from (UK import), I probably spent a lot of allowance on it. I had to be deliberate in my purchases before that next summer, when I was earning my own money, after having trudged back to the mall not to shop but to find a job, which, luckily, was within 100 feet of Record Bar.

Then, inexplicably, I heard it again while sitting in the hair salon chair, probably delivered to someone’s phone app by an algorithm seeking synthy 80s. 

But algorithms can’t identify the juxtaposition of word and sound that sounds like the longing you had at the same time as leaves whipped off of trees outside of your window while you were supposed to be doing homework.

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