Sunday, August 28, 2022

The days of DD: living lonely out on the limb

Before I go there--and by there I mean a Discogs dive to begin a completist mission for all the DD vinyl I can find--can I ask if we can go back in time and create an extended mix of this? 

I need for the gentle contours of this song to be expanded, so I can hold my wistful gazes out of windows at the rococo-pink sunset clouds just a little longer. 

It's ridiculously romantic, even without the gauzy video, even without anything in particular to be romantic about. That bassline bridge. Come on.

Sunday, August 07, 2022

The days of DD: I know you're watching me every minute of the day

 In these couple of weeks leading up to my next reunion with my idols, I gotta look back before I go forward. And, look, this was peaking right at this time in '83, so this couldn't be a better time to think back on a song I did indeed like but that preceded my all-out infatuation, which wouldn't blossom until the spring of '84. 

That's right... "ITSISK" emerged in the summer. It sounded like anticipation of fun to me, of all the inside jokes that were going to come out of long pools sessions and my family's beach vacation, and slumber parties with my friend. It's, inexplicably, like laughter bubbling up. There's something actually comic about Simon's delivery in the verses, and, though the chorus is more earnest, it sounds like he's asking, but is actually starting to get over it, but, hell, gonna ask anyway: is this worth saving? Because I have one foot in the future, babe.

And it goes with August, especially, with the bugs at the peak of their noisy insistence to find a mate, the air heavy as hell, the pool getting a little dirty. It's a busy little song, a bridge between Rio and Seven and the Ragged Tiger for Brits and a this-thing-is-not-like-the-other track appended to the self-titled first album when it was remixed and released--out of order--in the U.S

The video was subtle, not spectacular, and a bit of a letdown after the Rio vids despite the semi-embarrassing, fully comic bit of Roger, Nick, and Andy Andrews Sister-ing in, I don't know, Napoleonic Wars uniforms:

I haven't thought about that snippet in years, and the delight it brought my friends and I only months later when we perpetually rented a VCR and the DD video album (or, rather, Robin's mom did) for overnights. Bubblin'-up fun. I hope I hear it on the 20th. 

Wednesday, August 03, 2022

45’s And Under: But as the sun goes down I get that empty feelin' again

Mmm, Player. They get that lonely feeling at dusk, day being done, missing whatever you're missing. 

I'm gonna go look at the August dusk and miss...I don't know what. The ease and possibility of long ago, maybe. Nowadays, I look more forward to the morning than the night. That much I know.