Sunday, September 23, 2012

I want to talk about you

This is my favorite track by Trane. I think I bought a cassette copy of Soultrane at the old Radio Doctors on 2nd and Wells. This was probably around 1990, when I was listening to a lot of jazz, having just become friends with my friend John and also having spent an interesting evening in the company of a rising star in jazz, one Branford Marsalis.

And Radio Doctors! I had to poke around Google for a few minutes to come up with its name, which I couldn't remember. I could remember exactly where it was, and how long it took to walk there from my dorm (about 15 minutes), and that I discovered it all on my own when walking around downtown Milwaukee, just exploring (which was exactly how I saw Corbin Berenson on Wisconsin Ave that fall when Major League was filmed around the city).

Radio Doctors was magical. I can't remember what it looked like inside, but I can picture how the light felt inside, and what Squeeze looked like when did an in-store there. And Radio Doctors was old -- I mean, in 1979, it was old.

...A white girl from Kentucky buying Coltrane cassettes at a venerable record store in Milwaukee.

It was a wonderful world, even back then.

Happy birthday to John Coltrane.

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